High hopes, high disappointment?
The 12th international conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland took place in beautiful Lausanne. I had the pleasure to present current collaborative work with Didier Ruedin.

What happens when expectations of immigrants about live abroad do not meet with their experiences?
I gave a talk about how unmet migration expectations influence the lives of immigrants. I started this work together with Didier Ruedin (University of Neuchâtel) last winter during my research stay at the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) on Migration and Mobility Studies.
Using panel data of the Migration-Mobility Survey (MMS), we observed that unmet migration expectations hit harder on immigrants with tertiary education than immigrants with non-tertiary education. We found robust evidence for comparably stronger perceptions of discrimination (picture) and increased emotional disengagement with Switzerland. Stay tuned for the paper.